Interesting facts about Konark Sun Temple

The Konark Sun Temple is located on the eastern coast of India in Puri, Odisha.

Girish Srivastav

Narasimha I of the Eastern Ganga dynasty built the Konark Sun Temple in 13th Century

Girish Srivastav

The temple is designed in the shape of the chariot of the Sun God

Girish Srivastav

The chariot has exquisitely carved 12 pairs of wheels and is drawn by 7 horses

Girish Srivastav

The 12 wheels signify the 12 months of the year and the 7 horses represents seven days of a week

Girish Srivastav

Two of the 24 wheels are identified as sundials. One is in east and the other in west

Girish Srivastav

The sundial shows time in an Anti-clockwise fashion and the 8 spokes represent the 8 prahars

Girish Srivastav

The temple is made of stone, and no mortar or cement was used in its construction

Girish Srivastav

The temple sanctum is positioned in such a way that the first rays of the rising sun fall directly on the idol of Sun God

Girish Srivastav

The Konark Sun Temple is one of the UNESCO sites in India for its unique model of antique architecture

Girish Srivastav